Conversations in Time: Strategies for Collaborations for Dance and Animation

Date & Time: 10/23 (WED) 20:00

Location: Literary Arts Ecology Hall K301


Presented by Pooh Kaye and Eccentric Motions Dance

This lecture will smash together two opposite temporal worlds: Dance and Animation. A conversation between animation, created from static, single, discreet images sequenced to appear to move; and the dancer, forever bound to the physics of time and matter, subject to constant movement. Conversations in Time will explore various techniques, such as stop motion concepts applied to objects and dance, dancers interacting with animated images and staging that confuses theatrical boundaries. Our focus will be on transfiguring animation, turning it into a physical partner with the dancer(s) and conversely transfiguring the dancer into an animation.


Pooh Kaye Biography

As an award-winning choreographer and filmmaker, Pooh Kaye is renowned for her “meticulously crafted compositions, brimming with seemingly chaotic vitality” (as described by Jennifer Dunning, dance critic for The New York Times) and for her boisterous, award-winning animated films. Since 1975, she has been creating both films and dance works. Currently, she serves as the Artistic Director of Eccentric Motions, Inc. She has also held positions as an Associate Professor at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, an MFA Research Fellow at Bennington College, and an instructor at the American Dance Festival.

In 1983, she founded her dance company Eccentric Motions, which has performed at venues such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, Lincoln Center, The Kitchen, and The Joyce Theater. The company has also participated in the American Dance Festival in Durham, North Carolina, and the Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival in Becket, Massachusetts. Internationally, they have performed at the Holland Festival, the Jerusalem Dance Festival, and Spiral Hall in Tokyo. Kaye has received six National Endowment for the Humanities dance awards, a Guggenheim Fellowship in dance, and a fellowship from the New York Foundation for the Arts. Eccentric Motions has also received multiple grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the New York State Council on the Arts.