International Short Films Screening

Gabriel Osorio

Two sisters, the last of their kind, who live in hiding on their ravaged land, squabble about how to survive with the Empire encroaching. On a water run, the sisters must fight back when they are discovered.

Koji Yamamura
Japan, United States

A man sets out in search of the shortest thing in Tokyo, which turns out to be a single syllable uttered by a dying man....The first installment in a series of animated shorts called "Bungaku Bideo" (Literature Videos), Koji Yamamura's Extremely Short translates into film a powerful story by Hideo Furukawa, read by the author himself.

Alexandra Ramires, Laura Gonçalves

With the sea and the urban Algarve as a background, we follow a complete cycle of the life of a special shellfish called PERCEBES, goose barnacle. From their formation, to the dish, in this journey, we cross different contexts that allow us to better understand this region and those who live there.

Erika Haglund, Jean-Baptiste Peltier

In Mont Noir, Marguerite has been experiencing three severe losses : her mother, her dog, then her nanny. She grew up alone, animals and nature as main fellows. She has been setting herself to become a writer

Veljko Popovic, Milivoj Popovic

The film recounts the memories of a childhood in Split in the 1980s. These are stories retold after Sunday lunch when everyone is in a good mood, stories filled with emotions we can easily relate to. But above all, the film is a moving tribute to the love of a grandpa and grandma who did their best to keep their granddaughter smiling.

Carla Melo Gampert
Colombia, France

In Bogota, a bird-girl leaves behind the family home, her domineering mother and faithful dog to go and explore her sexuality.

Zarja Menart
Croatia, Slovenia

A wise birdwoman sends three birds to guide a girl into the dark unknown landscapes of her inner world.

Shiva Sadegh Asadi
Islamic Republic of Iran

A woman's ability to give birth to marine creatures, is exploited for commercial purposes.


At the end of the 19th century, in a sicilian countryside village, the young Pina holds the power to regenerate the land. With each harvest, the village is prey to shameless mafia looting. Pina’s encounter with the mafia chief will plunge the hamlet into an era of starvation, endangering the destiny of the whole country.

Bram Algoed

A story about a pilot, a captain, a machinist, a driver, a mailman, a girl... and a giant box. What's in the box? The giant box the pilot brought with him from a country far, far away? Probably an elephant, the captain thinks, and very carefully he loads the box onto his ship. The ship hobbles and wobbles on the high seas. A strong gust breaks open the walls of the box creakingly. And what’s in the box? Another box!

Suncana Brkulj
Croatia, Denmark

A community of garden creatures all contribute to the flow of life, using water from a fountain. When a butterfly gets stuck in the fountain, they’re faced with an unfamiliar situation.

Dahee Jeong
Canada, France, Republic of Korea

When morning arrives in Society of Clothes, a shirt and a pair of pants step outside the closet, transforming into a human figure. In this world, everyone exists only as clothes. They wander into the streets, bodiless and faceless, performing absurd daily tasks.

Hossein Molayemi, Shirin Sohani
Islamic Republic of Iran

A former captain, suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, lives with his daughter in a humble house located by the sea. Together, they live an isolated life and have to confront the challenges of a harsh life. Despite the captain's deep desire to be a devoted and caring father, he finds himself unable to fulfill his role and connect with his daughter in the way that he longs to. One morning, their lives change forever when an unforeseen event occurs. Whether this event proves to be a newfound source of hope or an additional burden remains to be seen.

Diego Alonso Sánchez de la Barquera Estrada, Christian Arredondo Narvaez
France, Hungary, Mexico

After witnessing an old dark stormy cloud painfully rain and die in sorrow, Noma, a puffy white cloud realizes that Mixtli, her daughter, a dark stormy cloud, is in danger of raining prematurely.

Sara Naves

Alma wakes up every day with a new condition, suffering the most varied physical transformations that reflect her feelings of inadequacy and prevent her from having a normal daily routine. With each passing day, Alma gradually feels more alone.

Yun-Sian Huang, Raito Low

This animation is a gentle reminder to human beings. Is the nourishment of nature something we should take for granted? Do we often ignore the most basic questions? The continuous turmoil in the world in recent years makes us sad and prompts us to reflect! The collective desires of human beings walk independently like giant beasts, and the individual falls into value confusion and is hopeless. What is it that we really cannot lose in our hearts? Can we calm down and think about it seriously?

Jack Shih

A-Nee-Gu stumbled upon what seemed to be an ordinary puppy, Donnie, but little did he know, it was actually an extraterrestrial scientist. Together, they uncovered a conspiracy from the alien headquarters. A-Nee-Gu decided to form a defense alliance to protect the safety of Earth and his loved ones! As a war fueled by imagination approaches, can A-Nee-Gu and Donnie rely on their imagination to protect their beloved family?

Tzu-Hsin Yang

A fire dragon discover and breakthrough its fear under the guide of a gentle light snake.


The director trace back in time to the last night of Grandma's life inside the house, using the demolition of the military dependents' village and the disappearance of the houses. The entire film establishes a dialogue between nostalgia and the old house through the empty spaces.

Raito Low

The stones always existed under our feet, various and silent, using stop motion placed on the time sequence in a pure and gentle way, becoming a surreal existence. Slow down and listen to the stories and secrets told by the stones, the secrets from the universe, flowing gracefully like water.

Begoña Arostegui

The puncture of a wheel surprises the protagonist traveling as a passenger in a car. Stopped at the edge of the road while watching the driver change the tire, she wonders if that path is heading in the right direction.

Ellis Kayin CHAN
Hong Kong, Spain

In a dream-like landscape, a girl journeys through her past and present in search of her own Bluebird. Is she pursuing a mere shadow, or has this Bluebird long been soaring within her heart?


In the countryside of yesteryear, in the mines and factories, these men of the past seem to share the same sorrows. Something seems to resonate within us today, maybe it's just an illusion, or maybe it's just the humbleness of everyday life.

Tarafu Otani

HOSHIMIYA TOTO is a VR singer without a physical body. At their live performances, many audience members are enthralled by their flat avatars on the screen. It is as if a physical being is there, The desire to become one with them separates our body and spirit. The line between reality and VR is very blurred today. Our psyche, which has left the body, is becoming a new life form, combining, disintegrating, and replacing each other. The classic motif of "body and spirit", is depicted through a VR singer in this music video.

Valentina Homem

In a dystopian world, the Girl breaks her ceramic pot, which holds a secret within. The breaking of the pot opens portals to a parallel universe and the girl enters a time of transformation in which the creation of a new world is finally possible.

Boris Labbé

Glass House is a video-sonic work, a disruptive immersive experience. It's the glass Tower of Babel, a kaleidoscope with hypnotic beauty. It's a sensation, mixed with attraction and repulsion, borrowed from science fiction novels.